Brothers in Christ Ministry

The Brothers in Christ Ministry is a group of spiritual Catholic men that study the scriptures, pray, share their faith and provide fraternal support to its members and others.  The Brothers meet at 8:00 PM on the first and third Monday of each month in the Fr. Nolan Unity Room.  In addition, the Brothers hold quarterly Adoration Services.  Also, the Brothers In Christ organize an annual weekend retreat during the summer. Membership is open to all mature men wishing to deepen their spirituality through prayer, scripture study and interaction with other like minded men.  For information contact Mr. Jimmy Acevedo at (718) 723-1435 or or Mr. Kevin Punch at (516) 316-3216 or

Men in Action

The Men in Action provides essential services during the Sunday Creole Mass by:  taking care of the collection; serving as ushers; and being available to provide any assistance needed at the Mass.  The men participate in adoration services on the first Tuesday of each month, and engage in days of recollection and pilgrimages.  For information contact Mr. Solon   Orianius at (718) 723-8238.

Holy Name Society

The Holy Name Society is a world-wide organization of men founded in 1274 to foster devotion to the Holy Name. In North America, the Society has done much to check the habit of profane language and to teach love and respect for the Name of Jesus. In meeting its obligation to fulfill the petition of the Lord’s Prayer, “Hallowed be Thy Name,”  The Holy Name men: avoid disrespect for the Name of God, of Jesus and of holy things;  induce others to abstain from insulting God; by example, they spread love for the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ; safeguard observance of Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation; Receive Holy Communion whenever possible with the men of the Society; attend meetings of the parish branch and live up to the Society’s Constitution and By-Laws; and, cooperate, within the constraints of their ability, in every field project of the Lay Apostolate proposed by the Bishop, Diocesan Director and the Pastor.  For further information contact Mr. J. Lesko at (718) 723-2434.

Drama Group

The drama group puts on two plays every year during the Easter season to portray the Passion of Christ and during the Christmas season to .portray the Nativity.  They practice on Thursdays from 8:00 PM until 10:00 PM and on Saturdays from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM.    For information contact Ms. Angela De Peaza at (718) 525-4311.

The Bible Group

The Bible Group meets on Mondays at 6:00 PM to study the scriptures in preparation for the upcoming Sunday’s Mass.  For information, contact Ms. Angela De Peaza at (718) 525-4311.